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Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 9, 2011

We're telling you fairy tales with POC 6 \:d/


How was your last Sunday of November? Was it interesting? Or was it busy with preparation for exams?

Do you know what happened on last Sunday?


It was…..


For anyone who was there with Kids watching POC 6, the feeling must be very complicated!!! The show was so informative and hilarious. So proud!!!

POC gave audiences more knowledge about the fairy tales of Vietnam and Denmark, what are the differences and the resemblance between a Oriental country and a Western nation, thanked to our dedicated guests!

POC “fed” us successive periods of laughing out loud: the play, the discussion, the arguments on the stage, and the fashion show on the red carpet were marvelous.

POC was a great chance to make friends, to enhance their knowledge and their English skills. And especially, it gave people chances to enjoy their student time to the most. Student time is not all about exams. More than ever, POC proved Kids’ slogan that: we are students; we must study hard; but we must play harder!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fashion show at the end of the program was absolutely the funniest part. Audiences were divided into six groups, and each group chose a model and designed for his/ her costume of an assigned character in fairy tales. After 20 minutes of preparation, the results were unbelievable. Mr. Buddha, Mr. Farmer, Mr. Emperor, Ms. Tam, Ms. Witch, and Mr. Mermaid! All of the costumes were so cute!

POC made that Sunday afternoon so heavenly!

Thank you so much, the POC organizer, for giving us such a good time in our student time, for your dedication, and for your spirit! It is more than words to say exactly the feeling inside me and inside the other audiences. ^^

Now, can’t wait to see the next episode of POC!!!!!!

Written by nhatchan

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